In this brave new world -- you know the one where the robots are coming for us -- things are changing fast. As our friend & brand king Dave Ortiz (DQM & Zoo York, our New York Vodka) says "you either evolve or you dissolve" and in this world video is the evolution of marketing. Here are some stats to give you that nudge:
In 2016, 6-years after of making content driven by the intentions of others we began to set a few of our own, and we noticed that in doing so we were able to craft better content for our clients as well. It's simple, whenever we start a project now, we ask "what is the point?". It sounds obvious, but the majority of the time we quickly find out that that initial idea doesn't hold water when up against this simple litmus test. To clarify, we don't mean "what's the point?" from a marketing perspective, that point is usually straight forward. So, while we always aim to increase brand awareness and drive sales, we think the best way to do that is through effective, emotional storytelling that locks into the underlying fabric of the brand. No more pointless stories!
Now, before a brand dives into a piece of content we encourage them to ask themselves 'does this story enlighten and enrich the public in some way?'. Consumers are giving you their time and attention - a precious commodity in todays market - and what they really want in return is to feel that their 3-7 minute work break was worth it. When you can find stories that have something truly worth hearing and worth sharing it cuts through the noise. It gets talked about around what used to be called the watercooler. Now its called the interwebs.
Our 'about' section doesn't have a lot of buzz words as some companies' do. That page is to clue you is as to where we came from. However, the place for buzz words has arrived!
Our mission is to create content that fosters openness. Our niche is making films at the intersection of the outdoor and documentary filmmaking worlds. There's an impressive slate of competitors within each of those fields, but we prefer to think of them as mentors (they just don't really know they're mentoring us). For years, the outdoor and adventure community has been pushing the boundaries of cinematography, finding inventive and artistically excellent ways to get the perfect shot of some death defying stunt. And though more purist documentary filmmaking has certainly made a turn to the more cinematic, our forefathers like Ken Burns & Errol Morris have taught us the importance of journalistic integrity and acheiving intimacy and connection on camera. We aim to be the best at both, and to get there we will work off a solid foundation of Honesty, Kindness, Inclusiveness, Openness, Curiosity, Imagination and Emotion. Ok, there. Those are our buzz words, but they're buzz words we believe in beyond anything else.
One more thing; people often ask us "what is outdoor and adventure filmmaking?". We define it by fitting in to one of these four categories: Nature, Travel, Adventure & Sport. And when you think Adventure, perhaps best to think of Adventurous - it seems like a better descriptor to us.
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